In response to the fast growing science and engineering college, the University of Minnesota’s Duluth campus is building a new facility to house chemistry, biochemistry, a new material science and engineering program, and create an flexible academic and industrial research center. Dunham is currently providing mechanical, electrical, and low voltage engineering services for the new 56,000 SF teaching and research building. The facility includes student lounge space, conference rooms, grad student offices, and 23 faculty offices. The laboratory space includes 11,200 SF of research labs, analytical labs, physical labs, organic and inorganic labs, computer labs, and an additional 2,200 SF of instructional lab space. Our engineers provided design services that connected the new facility to the campus chilled water and steam/condensate system. The building contains an Advanced Materials and Minerals Research Center that is part of a joint public and private research program.

Designed to B3 Standards

Renewable Energy
Roof-mounted photovoltaic array